Crescent Dry Cleaners - Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Wesport and Weston Connecticut
Crescent Dry Cleaners Phone

Crescent Dry Cleaners Services - Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Wesport and Weston Connecticut
Dry Cleaning

  • Shirt, Blouses
  • Skirts, Dresses
  • Leather & Suede
  • Uggs
  • Wedding Gowns
  • Press Only
  • Eco SafesystemK4
Dry Cleaning Shirts


  • Sheets
  • Linens
  • Pillowcases
  • Duvet Covers
  • Tablecloths
  • Napkins
  • and more...
Wash and Fold


  • Towels
  • Tee Shirts
  • Socks
  • Daily Wearables
  • Undershirts
  • and more...
Leather and Suede


  • Leather Shoes
  • UGG Boots
  • Cleaning & Water Repel
  • Fur Cleaning & Storage
  • and more...
Dry Cleaning


  • Comforters
  • Bedspreads
  • Blankets
  • Rugs
  • Pillows
  • and more...
Laundered Shirts


  • Shirts
  • Blouses
  • and more...

Wedding Gown Preservation - Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Wesport and Weston Connecticut
Wedding Gown Cleaning and Preservation Services - Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Wesport and Weston Connecticut
We are offer a full range of services for your wedding gown. Before the wedding we can steam and press your gown, or if you have purchased a pre-worn or sample wedding dress we can clean your dress. We also can provide tailoring to achieve a perfect fit for your special day.

Crescent Cleaners has teamed up with Wedding Gown Preservation Co. so that we can offer the best possible solution to clean and preserve one of the most important pieces of clothing that a woman could own in her lifetime, her wedding gown!

Tailoring Services - Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Wesport and Weston Connecticut
Tailoring Service
Tailoring By "Tony the Tailor"

Drop Off Tailoring Hours:

Mon - Fri: 7:30am- 4:00pm
Sat - 9:00am to 3:00pm

If you need alterations that require a fitting, please contact Tony for an appointment by phone at 203-856-5228.

Alterations and Repairs are a big part in extending and maintaining your wardrobe! Crescent Cleaners has an off-site tailor that we use for all your alterations. For simple alterations and repairs, just drop off your items and let us know what you need.


Eco Friendly Dry Cleaning - Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Wesport and Weston Connecticut
SystemK4 Dry Cleaning

We’re happy to share that we use SYSTEMK4 in our dry cleaning plant. All components of SYSTEMK4 are produced in a way that fulfills - and exceeds - stringent, statutory environmental regulations without giving up exceptional cleaning results.

SystemK4 Dry Cleaning

• Non-toxic
• Non-hazardous material per CLP Regulation
• Favorable environmental classification per GHS
• Biodegradable
• Dermatologically tested
• Greater than 99% Pure
• Halogen-free

Ask us for more information. We’d love to talk with you about it.

Have you wondered how we clean your clothes?
We’ve chosen to partner with Kreussler, the garment care industry’s leading innovator of solvents and technologies. Their flagship dry cleaning process SYSTEMK4 is a worldwide patent pending cleaning system that combines chemistry, technology, and processes to meet the highest demands in dry cleaning.

In a time of increased government regulations, economic and environmental demands, Kreussler is setting new standards with SYSTEMK4, and, in the process, changing the dry cleaning industry worldwide in a sustainable and positive way.



About Crescent Dry Cleaners - Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Wesport and Weston Connecticut


Crescent Dry Cleaners - Exterior Building
Five Star Service - Crescent Dry Cleaners

We treat our customers like family by offering the best in customer service. We know our customers by name and offer convenience with VIP drop off bags, 24-hour drop box, and the added convenience of scheduled home delivery service.

Our team members are like family. Most of our team has been with us for years and we all take pride in what we do. We look good – When you look good.

Crescent Cleaners has state-of-the-art cleaning equipment and we only clean with Eco Friendly K-4 dry cleaning solutions and also provide wet cleaning for your laundered shirts and fine linens. We also provide specialty cleaning for wedding gowns, and leathers.

Crescent Dry Cleaners - Staff
  • Crescent Dry Cleaners - Staff
  • Crescent Dry Cleaners - Staff
  • Crescent Dry Cleaners - Staff
  • Crescent Dry Cleaners - Staff
Crescent Dry Cleaners - Staff
Dry Cleaning Pickup and Delivery Service - Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Wesport and Weston Connecticut


Dry Cleaning and Laundry Pick up and Delivery


Dry Cleaning and Laundry Pick up and Delivery - Map - Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Wesport and Weston Connecticut

Dry Cleaning and Laundry Pick up and Delivery - Most Concenient Service
We are pleased to provide you with two locations – our front door (with 24 Drop Off) or your front door with scheduled home delivery.
Never having to rush home to pick it up, not worrying if you get there before the cleaners close! That’s why, you can rest assured, your cleaning will be waiting for you when you get home, when you use Crescent Cleaners pick up and delivery service!
Contact Crescent Dry Cleaners of Stamford Connecticut